Local Affiliate of the American Evaluation Association
There are many challenges involved when coming back to evaluate a change effort that has closed out several years earlier – especially in a developing country where the evidence is often patchy and thin.
Join us for a journey into the messy real world of retrospective impact evaluation. Jane Davidson and Thomaz Chianca will give us a taste of how they applied a range of evaluation methodologies to a 2019 evaluation of Save the Children’s first Child Sponsorship programming in Ethiopia, a project that ran from 2002 to 2010.
In this engaging session, Jane and Thomaz will share how they developed a high-level set of key evaluation questions to focus the work. They will then share practical tips for developing a set of evaluative rubrics fit for the context and using them in the field to synthesize mixed-method evidence as it was captured, and then in the report to succinctly answer the KEQs.
Participants are welcome to pre-read the evaluation report and bring their questions to this lively, interactive webinar, which will be at least half Q&A.
Learn more about Jane's work at Real Evaluation.
Affiliate of:
(c) 2021 Seattle Evaluation Association
Seattle Evaluation Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization